Legend goes that coffee was discovered after a goat herder in Ethiopia noticed that his goats became energised, and wouldn't sleep at night, after they had eaten berries from a particular tree. After sharing his discovery, drinks began to be made with these mysterious berries and the knowledge of these energising beans spread across the world.
Goats (Capra aegargus hircus) were one of the first animals to be domesticated, about 11,000 years ago. There are over 200 breeds of goat worldwide.
Even though we drink cows milk in the UK, around the world more people eat and drink meat and milk from goats than any other animal.
Believe it or not, goats are actually very fussy eaters and are not grazers like sheep and cows. They are browsers and foragers. They have a very strong and sensitive upper lip that helps them sort through vegetation and pick out what they like.
Both male and female goats have beards. Billy goats have scent glands and can be extremely smelly, especially during mating season as they often pee on their front legs and beards to attract the females...yuk!
Goats have rectangular pupils like sheep, allowing them to see 320-340 degrees around them, without having to move.
Goats, like humans, have baby teeth which they lose around a year old. Once these fall out, adult goats end up with 32 teeth. They do not have teeth in their upper jaw.