On 26th July 2021 we were very excited to get some gorgeous new arrivals!
Our new Alpacas, three girls called Chelsea, Brandysnap and Karis and one boy called Barnaby plus two new babies came from Whistlewood Alpacas and have now settled in very well at Whitehouse Farm.
We ran a Facebook competition to name the two new babies with a prize of a family pass to the winners. Both babies have now been named. We have Frankie - he has beautiful blue eyes, hence Frankie Blue Eyes! Our other baby is now called Kuzco. If we notified you on Facebook that you had won a family pass, please contact us to arrange this.
All our Alpacas are now in halter training and we will be able to offer Alpaca Walks in the Woods from next year, so keep an eye out on our website for more news.
Make sure you visit our lovely Alpacas on the large animal walk at Whitehouse Farm soon.